February 27, 2009

Frozen Fish!

I probably have the only Bronco II on the road in Wisconsin with a snook sticker on the back of it. -Ok I probably have the only Bronco II on the road in Wisconsin but who's counting!-

Anyone who's serious about saltwater sport fishing in the south puts a sticker on the back of their pickup (usually right next to their sticker of the confederate flag) showing what species of game fish they pursue. After catching a nice snook in the 26 inch range, while visiting my good buddy Joe Malher in Florida, we figured we'd keep with tradition and get the Bronco outfitted.

80 degrees on the Florida coast or -8 windchill in Wisconsin. --Hmmmmm who says those southerners are slow?

February 25, 2009


-its the coveted Tempt Printing video that I worked with the dudes from Stir in Milwaukee on. Their client, Tempt Printing, wanted a quick online video for a new high speed printer they just imported from England. We mounted a camera from the rafters directly above the high buck machine (read here lots of duct tape used as backup!) and triggered it with a remote. We shot the polaroid sequence in studio and edited the whole thing in our slick and fashionable editing suite here at Image. -turned out kinda' cool- and its always dang hard to go wrong with banjo music!

February 2, 2009

Hard to believe a couple of years have gone by!

In '07 around this time I was in Joshua Tree National Park shooting for Schneider National with the great Zach Magoon of Kemp-Goldberg fame.

After surviving a night in the lovely Safari Motor Inn and waking up to 17 degrees with no heat, (I recall waking up about 2 AM and emptying the contents of my pack over the top of my bed for insulation) we had a great shoot.  In the afternoon, we had a few hours to beat around the park; its an awesome place.  

Check it out if you ever have the chance.  Something like the largest gathering of Joshua trees in the solar system are there.

Here are a few shots that don't do it justice!