March 23, 2011

Man am I itching to ride!!!!!!!!!!
-and then my good buddy Jon Stubb sends me this link-

Its a helmet-cam shot during a Chilean mountain bike race through the streets of Valparaiso.
Make sure you view it set on full screen. Nuts! If that dog swerves to the left your dead!

Oh well, I guess a virtual ride is better than nothing this time of year.

March 14, 2011

What planet are we on anyway?-

A few weeks ago my wife and I were ice climbing up in the UP. With temperatures in the mid-30's the second day, we decided the ice was pretty sketchy, and figured a hike along Lake Superior would be safer. Northeast of Sand Point we found a bunch of ice pans floating in the calm water of the lake, and it made for a surreal scene.

The pans form as ice breaks from the shoreline and then gets tumbled around in the lake when winter storms pass through the area. Just one more cool way mother nature creates and recreates the ever changing landscape.