Well, cash-for-clunkers was just to good of deal to pass up so the mighty Bronco is on its was to being melted down and turned into 99¢ Chinese screwdrivers. Hmmmmmm, nearly 5 grand for a vehicle I payed $14,000 for 21 years ago and have just shy of 300,000 miles on; - pretty good return even though I did feel like I was stabbing an old friend in the back as I dropped it off at the dealership!
I think the Honda my wife is now driving would fair better in a crash since the whole left side of the Bronco was held together with 5/8 inch bolts where the body and floor had rusted apart. I know, call me a stickler for safety!
Well some fun Bronco facts for all who are lamenting its passing of an era. I bought the thing when I was 25 years old, so I owned it for just short of half my life, or 21 of the 30 years I've been driving. We bough it on 8/8/88 in Ocala Florida for $13,900. When we traded it in at the dealership to be crushed into tiny bits of rust, it had been driven 295,000 miles. Thats just short of 12 times around the earth or the distance to the moon and about a quarter of the way back. I did 101 oil changes on it using 126 gallons of oil (all Castoral GTX, (I wouldn't think of using anything else) I burned approximately 14,750 gallons of gas in it, or about 1/2 of a standard railroad tank car - at a cost of about $26,000.
I went through about 28 tires, 3 water pumps, 3 power window motors 4 heater blower motors, 2 transmissions, 4 radiators, 2 windshields, numerous mufflers, brake pads, U-joints and nuts and bolts and Two ice scrapers.
The starter was 21 year old and original! -they don't make cars like they used to ):
Ohhhhhhh Noooooooooo!
ReplyDeleteRIP sweet ride.
Like losing a family member I bet?